Item eligible for vat exemption
The Air on Air Replacement Mattress offers benefits in a setting where individuals are at high risk of skin breakdown and require an immersive support surface as part of an overall plan of care. The Air on Air is compatible with both the Theia Digital Pump or the Eros Dial Pump.
PLEASE NOTE: This product is the just for the mattress, and is compatible with either the Theia Digital Pump or the Eros Dial Pump both pumps can be purchased separately.
The Theia Digital Pump is part of the Theia and Eros dynamic pressure area care range, developed with flexibility and choice in mind; providing multiple system combinations to meet clinical needs. Moving away from a traditional dedicated pump and dynamic mattress system; Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare have developed mattress and cushion options that are compatible with both pumps.With two pumps to choose from; the Theia Digital Pump or Eros Dial Pump enable users to choose the control unit based on user preference or cost constraints. The mattress/cushion options can be stepped up or down to meet changing clinical needs, simply change the surface and keep the same pump.
Compatible with the Air on Air Mattress (AIR/MAT), Air On Foam Mattress (FULL/MAT), and Mattress Overlay (OVERLAY/MAT).
100 wipes per pack / 32 packs in a case
Perfect for everyday use, Maia Large Dry Wipes ensure both your budget and your skin are cared for. Our dry patient wipes are ideal for cleaning the skin, a critical task for any carer.
These dry wipes are soft and offer great strength and absorbency. Also ideal for soaking up spills of various fluids.
100 wipes per pack / 27 packs per case
These soft and gentle skin safe patient cleansing wipes include soothing aloe vera for a quick and easy body cleaning solution.
Combining strength, softness and absorbency, Uniwipe® Midi-Wipe Patient wipes are the perfect solution for individualised continence care, bathing regimens and any other type of patient care. The advanced formula and soft fabric means they’ll stay wetter for longer, giving greater flexibility for cleaning routines.