The Suva is a stationary, modular shower and commode chair. It features a detachable backrest and armrests to facilitate user preference and side transfers. It can also be used as a commode and comes complete with a bucket and lid. It is easy to adjust the height of the chair using the pin index in the chair legs.
User Weight Capacity 130kg (20.5st)
The bib's comfortable neckline is quick and easy to secure with popper fastening. Waterproof and fully machine washable.
Sold in pairs
Patient entrapment and limb injury are a serious issues in beds with exposed railings. Thorpe Mill's Bed Rail Bumpers with Net Windows for Two Rail Profiling Beds quickly and easily attach to a bed to cover up gaps in the railings, removing the chance of arms and legs getting caught.
A soft and comfortable material cover also promotes comfort and prevents bumps, scuffs and bruising in elderly patients.